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Engine Repair
Engine Repair
Pre-NCT Checks
Pre-NCT Checks
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Over 30 years in business diagnosing, repairing and maintaining vehicles.

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Engine diagnostic interrogation computer

Fault Diagnosis and Electronic Interrogation

Some repairs are preventative and routine like oil and filter replacements. These are completed either after a set distance or time has lapsed.

However, from time to time, faults will appear with a vehicle that require reactive maintenance and repair. These can be discovered by the driver through a change in driving performance of the vehicle or a warning light on the dash. But not all faults are clearly evident and can linger unnoticed for a while. Faults that go unnoticed with a vehicle can cause issues down the road and lead to expensive repairs which could have been avoided.

That is why when getting your vehicle serviced with us, we will do a full scan of the engine electronics with a diagnostic scan tool. These scan tools show us if your engine is running as it should or if any corrective action is necessary.

Our scan tools can interrogate the On Board Diagnostics for registered Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). DTCs are logged by the on board computer when issues with the vehicle are discovered. DTCs classified as 'Pending' will show on a scan tool but will not bring on an Engine Malfunction Lamp (EML) on the dash. 'Active' DTCs will bring on a light on the dash and are a sign of a more urgent issue.

Let us help

If you have noticed a difference in fuel consumption, driving performance or have a EML light on the dash, we can diagnose the cause and quote for any repairs and replacement parts.